Friday 26 March 2021

Booking for a Covid19 vaccination

jab seems to be impossible.

I spent more time on the phone yesterday. It was a waste of time. Not one of the local clinics is taking anyone outside their own practice. I can understand that in a way but they are actually supposed to be taking others in group 1B too. That is the way the system is supposed to work.

The clinic we attend is not on the list of clinics which vaccinate. This is despite the fact that a larger proportion than usual of the patients are in group 1A and 1B. They see a lot of elderly people and the people in the various "group" homes around the area. Our GP told Middle Cat that the conditions for being a vaccination centre were "too onerous" and they had decided against it. What????? 

I tried places further afield, places I could reach by trike and public transport. There was still no joy. 

This is becoming urgent. I need to have a vaccination so that, after a fortnight, I can also have a 'flu vaccination. I should have both before another event at the end of next month. Right now none of these things is likely to happen.

The Senior Cat has not  yet had his vaccination but we have been told that everyone in his residence will have theirs as soon as possible. They are all group 1A and this should have been done a week ago. While they have not had their jabs there are people I know, people with no underlying health conditions, who are getting their vaccinations. One couple casually informed me, "Oh, we just decided to do it before we go on holiday." They are going on a fishing trip to an area that has seen not a single case. They have had no contact with anyone remotely connected to anyone who has been anywhere near anyone who has had contact with anyone...well, you get the idea.

This is not the way the system is supposed to work. It is not the way the government expected it to work. It seems that some clinics are simply shrugging their collective shoulders and saying, "If you aren't our patients too bad. It doesn't matter if you are group 1A or 1B you can wait."

I know someone with diabetes. All her life she has, despite extreme care, had trouble controlling her blood-sugar levels. She lives alone. She has been isolated for far too long, only going out for absolute essential reasons. It has had an understandable impact on her mental health too. She is depressed. But, get the vaccination? No. Her GP isn't doing vaccinations and, despite numerous calls, she still can't get one. She was crying down the phone yesterday.  

I am trying to be responsible. I need to visit the Senior Cat and other elderly people - people who need a little help now and then. I am supposedly a priority for other reasons too. Middle Cat is on the verge of being in the highest priority group and has had the same sort of response. I know other people in a similar situation.

There is something wrong here. How much further afield do those who need it need to look?  

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