Monday, 30 December 2024

Computer desks

come in many shapes and sizes. I know this because I spent part of yesterday looking at them. 

This was not by choice. I need a new one. The old one will not fit into the best available space in my new abode. The old one has never been very satisfactory anyway. The door on the side that I use for paper and "not wanted for now" manuscripts has never shut properly. The second shelf we thought might be so useful has had to be used for the screen - and that is then just that bit too high to be comfortable. The whole thing is chipped and worn.

Middle Cat's partner thought he would do the right thing and brought home a lovely table his work place, now ceasing operations, said they did not need. They were going to throw it out - along with a lot of other "useful to someone" things. My BIL does not believe in wasting things so he brought it back. He thought "it will do". No, it won't. It is too big, much too big. It has no drawers.

It might work for my BIL as he works differently from me but I have still received it gratefully as it will now be the "other work" table I have wanted for many years. There will no longer be a need to clear the dining table for the same purpose. This has to be a "good thing".

But, finding a new computer desk is another story. I tried the second hand sites first. Nothing on the various sites appealed or they were too far away for Middle Cat to collect. Most of them were almost as expensive (if not more) than what I thought a new one might cost. I went further afield.

I looked at cheap, spindly things which would not have accommodated a feather in weight (or so it seemed) to items of more solid construction. I looked at very cheap to very expensive. I looked at measurements and materials. Most used some sort of veneer. I expected that but some were painted black. No, I do not want black.

For a while I gave up in frustration and went to start sorting and packing what has been left in the shed. There is still a lot of to do in the big workshop which belonged to the Senior Cat. I went through ideas and options, sighed and tried to think some more.

Eventually I gave in and looked at the website of that company, you know the one I mean, where you can put your own together from a kit. Mmm...maybe. I liked the idea of the one which would fit into a corner - but there is not enough desk top for the screen, the keyboard and the printer. Yes, a mouse does require space. And of course this is one of the most expensive options - although still cheaper than the one I saw which cost five times that amount. 

If Middle Cat is feeling up to it - and she says she might be - we will have to go and investigate. I need to make sure there is a comfortable writing space. When I finally settle in I hope there is more writing time than there is now. I have always made time but more time would be even better.


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