Saturday, 8 February 2025

Doing the shopping,

the everyday shopping does not excite me. If I am really honest going shopping for anything other than books or hobby related supplies does not excite me.

I know my way around what I consider to be the best of the three supermarkets within reach and I can, if necessary, find things in the other two. Perhaps I am a "lazy" shopper in that I do not look closely at the catalogues and pick up the "specials".  Oh I will pick up a "two for one" if I know I am going to use it but...

All this is not because I have money to waste but because I have discovered it simply isn't worth the effort if you are mobility impaired cat without a car. I doubt it is worth the effort even if you are agile and have a car. 

Some years ago the Senior Cat and I bought a bulk lot of toilet paper. It was half price. It was not going to go stale. We had the room to store it. This was before the run on the item which made it so very expensive during Covid19 lockdowns.  It was a good buy. That sort of thing, if you have room for it, does make sense because it would have cost more if the money had been left in the bank.

I can understand people buying items like that in bulk. Those with large families must welcome it.  No doubt they really are welcoming the news that a large US based chain is going to open its doors to all and sundry- and do home deliveries as well.

But, much as I dislike going to the supermarket, do I really want to go down the "buy in bulk and have it delivered" route? Of course not. I do not need bulk buys now I am on my own. I can still spend wisely by looking at sizes and making decisions on how much I will use by a "best before" or "use by" date. If I plan ahead I do not need to back track in the supermarket I like. There might be something different which will catch my eye. I can read the packet there and make a decision.

And there is something about the local shopping centre. I may not stop for more than it takes to say, "How are you?" but I can stop and do that and keep an eye on some of the human beings who matter to me. I may not know them well but, particularly if they are very old, they should matter to me. It is not the shopping that matters at all.  

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