Saturday, 6 November 2010

The Carnegie Medal longlist

is out and Nicola Morgan's "Wasted" and Keren David's "When I was Joe" are both on the list. They deserve to be. The judges are going to have a hard time.
I actually had a sneaking suspicion much earlier that Nicola's book would make it to the list. Spike (the cat who features in it) and I had discussed the possibility between ourselves. Spike is feeling rather chuffed about it - basking in reflected glory.
I have two more days at the Quilt and Craft Fair. We have been talking about rather different sorts of books down there. Pattern writing is very different from fiction writing. You think you have made something as plain as plain. Nobody could possibly misunderstand something you have written? Think again! I have sorted out a good many problems in the last two days. No doubt I will sort out some more before it is all over. It is a good break for me. I am thinking about something entirely different and, today, the Virtual Quilter and I should be able to catch up for more than two minutes!
In the meantime go and look at the books by Nicola and Keren - they are well worth their long listing.


Rachel Fenton said...

Weyhey, super congrats to both.

Enjoy your crafty time, you.

catdownunder said...

It was great Rachel! My back paws are very tired from all the standing front paws are still playing with yarn!