Friday, 2 March 2012

The car race is

on again. This happens every year. Have I mentioned it before? I might have.
I do not like car races. I do not approve of car races. In my view they are a waste of precious fossil fuel. They are dangerous. They encourage other people to drive dangerously. Those that use "street-circuits" disrupt the traffic, local business and the lives of many people who are not interested.
I am told "it is good for the economy", that it brings in tourists who spend money etc. Yes, I have heard all the arguments thankyou - and I am not convinced.
Now there are plans to add to the problems by running some of the event "under lights". The cost of doing this will, of course, be much higher. It will use even more power too. The circuit has to be lit as bright as daylight. The spectators have to be able to see what is going on.
Running it under lights will also add to the stress of those who have the misfortune to live close to the event. We live around five kilometres away and we can still hear the noise. If the wind is blowing in the wrong/right direction it is quite loud. The noise gets stopped dead in its tracks by the hills behind us.
The state government apparently plans to run this event "for years to come". It is a "cake" event, an event designed to distract the masses and keep them happy while the government gets on with the business of (not) governing us.
We have already had the bicycle race this year - the "Tour Downunder". On Monday week we have a public holiday for "the Adelaide Cup" - a horse race. (Even Melbourne does not close down for the Melbourne Cup!) The Fringe Festival has started. The Adelaide Festival will be in full swing very shortly. Entertainment is to be had everywhere - at a price.
Are we paying too much for it?


Sheeprustler said...

I hate our Grand Prix, and now they want to do that under lights too. And it costs the taxpayer more than it brings in, every year. Snarl.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes SNARL Cat! The kids are sleeping over with Gran and Gramps until it is all over. My wife and I have resorted to ear plugs - and this year it is not even under lights! I rather suspect it is a loss maker too - if the accounts were done honestly and included everyone affected! Ros

catdownunder said...

Oh I am glad someone else feels the same way Sheep Rustler!

catdownunder said...

Oh I am glad someone else feels the same way Sheep Rustler!

jeanfromcornwall said...

Oh how I feel for you! There is an unfortunate sports meeting in London this summer, and they will be schlepping a flame all round the country before it starts. It will come right past our front gate! That means they will be closing the road. Do I go out for the whole day, or do I confine myself to the back of the house? At least my upset is likely to be quiet!

catdownunder said...

Yes - there was that sports meeting in Sydney Jean - my brother arranged to be at a conference elsewhere! I should go out somewhere nice for the day if you can!