Sunday 21 May 2023

Dumping rubbish

in someone else's property is generally not considered to be right - but I have just done it.

Yes, I admit this. I also think I did the right thing.

All this past week there have been two empty rubbish bins left out across the road. They should have been taken in last Tuesday...the day the bins were emptied. Instead, they have sat there filling with a little water from the rain because the lids were left hanging open.  

It is possible that the people who used the bins may have moved out. The bins belong on the property occupied by what we call "units" - small attached dwellings on communally owned land. There are a number of them in the "court" opposite and the owners have to bring their bins out to the street to be emptied. 

On more than one occasion there are bins left longer than they should be. I suppose it is a nuisance to bring a bin a 100m down to the street to get it emptied but the waste lorries don't go down to the end of the court. So, bins out in the street please. The rest of us manage to take ours in. I often find mine have been brought in almost immediately by a kind neighbour. It is something I appreciate.

This morning though I looked out and saw the other bins were still there. Their lids were still open. It was drizzling again. Right! I was taking advantage of this because Middle Cat's partner had been around yesterday. He had cut up something we needed to be rid of and we could not fit it all in the bin. He left it neatly piled up for "next time". 

I took the neat pile over to the other bin. I emptied out the water. I put the neat pile in the other bin. I closed the lid. It is ready for collection on Tuesday. It should not be put out until Monday night but I really don't care very much. I really think it is highly unlikely anybody is going to mind. If they do mind they won't know it is me. Yes, I know. I am a very naughty cat but isn't it better to get rid of rubbish if you can? 

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