or should I say more people die when aid fails?
I know the overseas aid bill for America is huge but America is not the largest donor in per capita terms. America donates around US $190 a head but Norway donates around US $1160. The United Kingdom donates around US $255. Downunder donates around US$122.
The United Kingdom actually donates more than the stated amount because it has other programs in place through that anachronism known as the Commonwealth. It may put them between Sweden US$515 and the Netherlands US $370.
America is around the sixth largest donor on the list but the problem is that the contribution in American dollars is so big. If American aid fails - and it is - then we really do have a major crisis on our hands.
I have always believed that the best form of defence a country has is its foreign aid program. It is what I was brought up to believe from childhood. No, it was not said to me in so many words when I was a mere kitten but I was taught you cared for those who needed help. As I grew older and became more aware my paternal grandfather and his siblings all showed us the need to give support to newcomers and, by extension, their families in other countries.
We were lucky to have that example but it seems that governments do not see it that way. Foreign aid is given reluctantly and in the expectation of something in return. Providing food aid to the war torn Sudan is not a politically popular move. It is seen as a "waste" of money. There are plenty of similar examples out there.
But even helping local people to build water supplies so they can grow their own crops can cause political issues or tribal warfare. Providing vaccination programs can be difficult if a religious group opposes vaccinations and tells the proposed recipients not to accept the vaccines. Teaching medical procedures is not straightforward, especially where women are denied an education. Funding AIDS programs in a country where homosexuality is illegal is an almost impossible issue. Building a bridge may shorten a journey but whose territory will it be going across?
The provision of aid can be a very, very complex affair. Getting things done can be slow and tortuous but things still need to be done. And yes, it can be necessary to pay bribes. It can also be necessary to modify, to change or even to accept that sometimes things just will not happen.
But programs which are of real value like a measles vaccination program or a program to reduce the rate of malaria do actually save lives. If those sort of programs are halted, and they are being halted, then people will lose their lives - and those most at risk will be children.
It has been said that the next wars are more likely to be fought over the provision of things like water. Providing aid to ensure fair and just supplies of clean water makes sense. We need to provide much, much more aid for things like that. It may not stop the Putins of this world trying to grab mineral rich deposits under the land belonging to his neighbour but it will stop some conflicts and that is to the benefit of many.
Foreign aid properly done makes economic sense. It is time to respect that and all of us provide it at least at the level of Norway.
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