Sunday, 23 March 2025

"Thank you for returning my $150"

Mr Prime Minister, "If you actually do."

You see I don't believe you will. I don't think you can. The Budget due on Tuesday evening. That measure will apparently be in the Budget along with some "revenue raising" issues which will probably never see the light of day. (These include things like a further 15% tax on superannuation accounts over $3m - something you would apparently like to bring in at $2.5m but do not quite dare to do.)

You are also suggesting there will be the usual Mediscare campaign and changes so "more doctors will bulk bill" and "cheaper medicines on the PBS". Student loans will be reduced by 20% and TAFE will be "free". Along with that wonderful "Help to Buy" scheme for housing you are feeling increasingly confident that an already gullible public will vote you back in.

This will all happen with a magic money tree of course. There will not be a word anywhere that this is the way you are spending our money, our taxes.  

At the last election you promised no less than fifty-nine times that our power bills would be $275 less. That has not happened. It could not happen. It could never have happened. In the past three years our power prices have continued to rise steadily. When the cost of power rises everything else rises too. It costs more to grow food, to transport food and to process it. Transport costs more. The cost of running a factory becomes more. Every single thing which uses power will cost more. Interest rates stay up in an effort to bring inflation down but power gets in the way. Despite this "renewables" are still the flavour of the day for you...and don't dare mention the "N" word. 

You still believe you can win the upcoming election. The polls even suggest that you can although you may need to rely on the Greens. As most people do not understand the voting system very well you are probably safe enough to believe you can do this even while saying you can still win outright...because of that $150 and more.

You need to go to the Governor-General no later than 23 April but that is an unlikely time because it would be in the middle of the Easter and Anzac period. Yes, you could take the risk but it would leave you open to some heavy criticism. It would also allow for only the bare minimum twenty-three days allowed for a campaign.  It is more likely you will go in the week before that. Doing it then will allow you time to try and ram through the Budget measures. If they fail then you can blame the Opposition. 

Yes, I know it is all part of the political game. Politics can be very, very nasty. Even as a mere kitten I was taught to understand that politicians do not keep their word. That being the case I do not expect to have my $150 returned to me - even if you manage to push the Budget through. You will simply take it away again some other way.

Could you just stop telling me about it? I keep dreaming how I could spend it - on my power bill. 


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