Saturday 8 July 2023

Going to hospital

is something we all want to avoid if we can. Going to hospital and going into "intensive care", or "ICU" as we call it here, is something we all really don't want to do.

It is where my friend Computer S.... has apparently been. I am not surprised. He is morbidly obese and I mean obese. 

Middle Cat called me yesterday. He normally lives diagonally opposite her. The neighbour who lives directly opposite and mows S...'s patch of lawn came in to see her and told her S... was in hospital. He has apparently been there for over two weeks. Nobody was too concerned when the old Volvo was not out during the day. S... is a "night owl". I suspect it is because, that way, he doesn't need to see too many people. Yes, he is that obese.

When it comes to computers there is very little S... does not know. He has fixed problems for me over the years. He tried to teach the Senior Cat how to do things too. They liked one another.  S.... was in tears when the Senior Cat died. His own parents are no longer alive. He has a brother here. His brother is terminally ill with cancer. His sister lives in the United States. S... doesn't have a lot of contact with either sibling. He seems more concerned for them than they are for him. He was the one who cared for both their parents. 

Middle Cat and I have both tried to help S.... but, by the time we tried, his weight had reached that level where only serious medical intervention could help. He didn't want anything to do with that. Occasionally he would lose a few kilos and then he would put it on again and put on even more. It did not surprise Middle Cat or me. We were concerned but it seemed there was nothing we could do about it.

We like him in many ways. He is the sort of person who will do what he can to help someone else. When he was here several months back and I needed to go to an appointment his response was, "If your sister can't take you then let me know. I will." He would have done it too. He made a special trip to get a spare part the Senior Cat needed to repair something. Then the two of them did it together. He likes to feel needed and wanted.

So, we are concerned. Middle Cat made seven attempts to speak to someone in the ward he has now been sent to but nobody was answering the phone. They are almost certainly understaffed and overworked. We would go for a quick five minute visit if allowed - just to reassure him we are still there for him and ask if there is anything we can do.  But we don't know what his actual condition is. I suspect he is still extremely ill and may not even be allowed visitors apart from family. That's all very well but we might be best placed to help. 

Middle Cat, being Middle Cat, will clear his letter box and see if any  of his plants need watering. It's all we can do. If he survives I am going to insist he signs the Power of Attorney I helped him prepare the last time he was here. I think he may need it but the friend he was proposing to use was away. I just hope he needs it and we won't be going to his funeral. 

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