Tuesday 11 July 2023

Political advertising

appeared in my Facebook timeline yesterday. Apparently the government is permitted to bypass my ad-blocker and tell me how I must vote in the upcoming referendum.

I am becoming increasingly concerned about the pressure which is being placed on people to vote "yes" and the attempts to block out anything which supports "no" or any sort of balanced discussion. People have strong opinions about the issue but it seems that only one answer is considered "acceptable". Anyone who dares to disagree with the "yes" camp is being told they are "racist" - and that is perhaps the least pejorative word being used. 

I am also becoming increasingly concerned about the millions of dollars being spent on the "yes" campaign and the very real efforts to prevent the "no" campaign from obtaining funding. "Big business" is pouring millions of dollars into the "yes" campaign. "It's the right thing to do". There are all sorts of sports people, people in entertainment and others being hauled in to support the "yes" campaign. They are all telling us that "voting yes is the right thing to do". 

When my very definitely indigenous friend M... told a group of people he would not be voting "yes" because he believes it is a racist, divisive move no better than South African apartheid he was asked to leave - and not come back. It is a group he has been a member of for many years. He has been President and Secretary of the group but feelings are so strong about this "need to vote yes" that he has now been ostracised.

So what in the heck is going on here? I have read arguments for both sides. I will continue to do so. If I am asked I try to engage in a balanced way but I am more and more concerned. The present government is telling us that there is only one answer but look more closely at some of those who are pushing for this answer and I am alarmed by some of the things they are saying. Is "yes" the answer or just a first step? Will "yes" lead to unintended consequences? What will "yes" actually change? More importantly, what will "yes" change that could not be done now?

There are so many people I know who want the referendum question to be divided into two - recognition and then "the Voice". The first would pass without the need for all this divisive talk. The second might but that is much less certain because so much of it can be done without adding it to our Constitution.  It would not suit those who have a much bigger agenda but it would have been a very positive step. 

It is the bigger agenda which worries me. I doubt it is going to benefit many of those it is claimed will benefit.  

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