Sunday 4 February 2024

So you want to rent a house?

It is no secret that rental properties are in short supply. Yes, there are some landlords who have used the opportunity to increase the amount they charge. Yes, there needs to be more "public housing".

But the "human interest" story of the woman who "might need to live in her car with her three dogs" is about more than the shortage of rental properties. It is also about taking or not taking responsibility for your life.

If you own your own property and you want three dogs then that is surely up to you and whatever the local council regulations are. It is not the same if you want to rent property from someone else. A landlord might well be willing to consent to a single animal, especially for someone who needs companionship or security. Three dogs though? However much you might love animals they are, if properly cared for, expensive and time consuming to keep. If you have a landlord who loves animals and is willing to tolerate three dogs then you are fortunate. Most landlords would accept three cats long before they accepted three dogs. 

The person who was saying how difficult it was to find somewhere to rent seems to believe that she should have priority. She is on a "disability pension" and her current lease is up. 

Perhaps the landlord simply wants more rent from letting it to someone else or perhaps s/he does not want to rent it to someone with three dogs? Is it a question of responsibility perhaps? Am I wrong? Would I make a bad landlord if I said, "Just one dog please"?



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