Thursday 5 March 2009

I had these grandiose notions....

I had these grandiose notions that the publishing princess might actually find the time to look at this blog and leave a comment - if only because it might encourage me to go on writing it and that would mean less time spent reading and commenting on her (communal) blog. It really is not quite fair because she gets help from her husband, housemate, partner, her son, the dog and at least one member of staff in her bookshop. She also has the capacity to put up all these fancy photographs (the dog is particularly nice) and her husband even had music recently.
I can do none of those things and the man I live with (my father) does not even know how to turn the computer on, let alone contribute to the blog. In any case he is a Columbus when it comes to typing - discover and land.
My woes with Microsoft continue - how long can it take them to rectify a simple problem which is, even by their own admission, at their end? I suspect the delay is due to the hope that I will give in and buy a new copy of their over-priced programme.
The other over-priced issue at present is the state government's land tax. Land tax is money for nothing as far as the government is concerned. I am never likely to pay land tax as I do not own any property, let alone investment property. Despite that even I can see the money grab here is over the top. It is increasing far in excess of the value of the properties involved and far in excess of inflation. Governments can only milk cash cows for so long and then they dry up but Premier Rann and Treasurer Foley seem to believe there are endless litres of milk to be obtained yet. After all, they have to find the money for a taxpayer funded election campaign in their favour.

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