Sunday 10 April 2022

An election will be called

as I write this. 

It is likely to be one of the most vicious campaigns I have been through. Every poll indicates that the current Opposition will win the election. The concern will be whether they win by a small margin or a landslide and how the balance of power shifts in the Senate.

A few short weeks ago the Senior Cat was still able to take an interest in such things. He was asking me questions about the policies of the main parties. He was also expressing concern about the future direction of this country. I don't know which way he would have voted but I can guess.

Like me he was deeply concerned about the role the "independents" will play in this election, particularly the one in this electorate. 

Note I put quotation marks around "independent". The candidate who claims to be be an independent in this electorate  is nothing of the sort. She is being supported by a group which has strong links to Extinction Rebellion and Get Up. It is extremely unlikely they genuinely expect her to win, rather that her preferences will flow to the ALP or what is generally known as "Labor".

But, stranger things have happened. Her campaign is heavily funded. There have been multiple drops in the letter box. There is a campaign office on the main road not far from here. The A-frame with her picture on it has been there for some weeks now. 

She gave me the brush off the other day. Someone I know tried to introduce me but the moment she heard my name her demeanour changed. Apparently she is aware that I am no fan of people who try to convince people they are "independent" when they are not.

We have more candidates of course. My present leaning is towards a highly intelligent, well educated candidate with work experience in the environmental sector and an understanding of other issues I consider important.

There are arguments suggesting that "first past the post elections" are "undemocratic" but the reality is that "preferential voting" is also undemocratic for other reasons. "Compulsory preferential voting" which is what we have is even more undemocratic. Many people do not understand the concept. When they do they are frustrated that they are required to preference people they would not consider at all. That making those choices can lead to people they do not want to represent them winning a seat is surely wrong? At very least preferential voting needs to be a matter of individual choice.

The ALP or "Labor" is of course run by the union movement - and union membership is now at around 14% of the workforce. Candidates are union people. The current leader of the Opposition, likely our next PM, has never worked outside the union movement or politics. We should be concerned by his lack of diverse experience.

 Our electoral system needs to change.



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