Tuesday 26 December 2023

Singing on a bicycle

 or how to tell the world it is Christmas.

I had a small lesson in the importance of Christmas yesterday morning. It was one of those moments when a video camera would have been very useful.  

I was checking on the undercover plants before leaving for Christmas festivities elsewhere when there was the sound of singing. I looked up and, coming towards me, there was a four year old wobbling along on what was obviously a Christmas present - a bright pink bicycle. She was singing. Her father was following her ready to grab if she fell off. He gave me a smile but didn't say anything. We both knew that the singing was more important.

I have no idea who she is. I had never seen her before. Quite possibly they are only here for the Christmas period but she was one of the happiest children I have seen recently. Yes, some adult had taught her to sing the words but there was such joy in her face. 

And what was this delightful child singing? "Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Jesus, Happy Birthday to you."

As "carols" go I thought that was rather appropriate. I went off to share lunch with Middle Cat's "family" - the Greek-Cypriot family of her husband. Nobody drank too much, nobody argued and there was too much food but none of it was wasted as it was all shared out for today (and possibly tomorrow) as well.  Middle Cat, after two more nights in hospital last week, managed to make it there and was cossetted by everyone because we were simply glad she had made it.

Christmas, as those Cathedral cats like to remind me, was about a birthday...and family.



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