Tuesday 3 September 2024

Meeting a new neighbour

as I am slowly clearing this house was yet another reason to regret having to move out.

The new "over the road" neighbour moved in the weekend before the one just gone. My mother would probably have been over there on the day with the offer of tea and freshly baked cheese scones - the latter being her specialty. I stayed out of the way being all too aware of the likely chaos when it is enhanced by a dog with a madly waving tail.

During the week which followed we never seemed to both be outside at the same time. I just left things and hoped the new owner would not think I was being unfriendly. Her immediate neighbours are pleasant enough but the parents both work and their two children never play in the street. We rarely see them.

That all changed yesterday when I was struggling to put the over loaded bin out for rubbish collection this morning. I had just put it in position when the new neighbour's car came down the road and a face smiled at me. I waited and yes, sure enough, the car door slammed in her driveway and she looked out with a cheerful,"Hi, I'm S..." 

She came across the road and I said, "I'm Cat..." We smiled at each other and I said, "I haven't interrupted because I know what the chaos can be like." 

We had a conversation. Canadian? I asked and she said "Yes, but here for years." We talked about that and why and the fact I needed to move and why. She agreed about executor companies and offered me a couple of empty boxes. "Yes please!" 

Her daughter came back from walking the dog in her lunch hour. Her daughter was friendly too - and the dog even friendlier.

Later Middle Cat arrived to collect some things. I introduced S.... who was now putting their bin out. I had told Middle Cat where this woman had worked before retirement and, such is this city, they discovered that they knew people in common. 

Why do I have to leave when the new neighbours are so nice? 

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