Sunday 9 December 2012

The washing machine

had a little hiccup yesterday.
I save the washing water in the laundry sink to use for a second load. The pump did not work properly for some reason and, instead of remaining in the sink, the water flowed back into the machine. It took with it all the dirt from the filter and left dirty marks all over the clothes. Start again. Paws crossed. Will it work properly this time? It did.
A moment ago the computer did something strange and I have, seemingly, managed to fix the problem by re-booting it. Nevertheless I am conscious that, like the washing machine, this computer is probably reaching the "use-by" date.
It annoys me.
When our refrigerator broke down several years ago we had it repaired. The refrigeration mechanic who looked at it said something like, "I can repair it or you can buy a new one. If I repair it then it will probably last longer than a new one. They are not built to last any more." We have not had a problem with it since it was repaired. A new one would have been out of warranty some time ago.
I can understand that, from the manufacturer's point of view, this "need a new one" culture is a good thing. It means you will buy a new item. From my point of view however it is not a good thing. I do not necessarily have the money to buy a new item. The old one may have been adpated in certain ways to suit me. However even those things are of little importance. The real issue is that needing to buy a new one uses more of the world's resources. Repairing one would take much less.
With all the talk of "global warming" this is yet another issue that the climate "experts" do not seem to be prepared to address. They are apparently unwilling to acknowledge that putting a "use-by" date on things that should not need a use-by date is just adding to the problem.
Oh yes, I understand it provides employment for millions. It keeps economies going. It allows a (too) high standard of living for some.
I could, just, wash by hand. It would be difficult - especially without a way of wringing dripping wet clothes.
I cannot work without a computer. It is time to talk to nephews about these things because my brother-in-law, like me, belongs to the generation where you fix things if you can - and, sometimes, they are not fixable.
Yesterday though I saw a postcard of the back view of two elderly people. How was it, one was asking the other, that they had managed to stay together for so long? The answer from the other was because they belonged to the generation that did not throw things away. They fixed the problem.

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