Monday 30 November 2015

"So what do you want for....

Christmas?....for your birthday?"
Elsewhere someone has just posted that her husband asked her this question and she didn't know the answer. She has everything she needs - and if she wants something she goes and buys it.
I never know the answer either. I probably have everything I need. I can, at very least, make do with what I have. 
I probably have too many books - at least people who don't read tell me I have too many books. I have enough yarn - yes, I do although my knitting friends know that "enough" doesn't necessarily hum! But my family would never buy that. They would have no idea what to get or how much to get or where to get it. 
Clothes? No thank you. I'm really not interested. 
I don't want things which will just clutter up the house still further. I don't want meals out or concert tickets.
As children we were encouraged to make things for people. We would plant things in pots and give them to people too. At Christmastime we would get given a book - with the idea in mind that it would keep us quiet during the day. (It usually did.) For my birthday I would be given something I needed but that was considered a little bit more special - like my Sunday dress - and another book. 
We were never given much. Money was short. Our toys were mostly second hand apart from the "special" things like my clockwork train set and the doll house my father made me. It was a replica of the house we lived in at the time. I made up an entire family to live in it. 
I'd like to still have both those things but my mother gave them away when we moved along with the doll pram that had never carried a doll. (We attempted to get the cat to ride in it.) 
But other things? I have no ideas. I don't really want anything,
Years ago the Senior Cat went to Scotland. He went up to Thurso to see where his ancestors came from and to meet his father's cousin. He went into a small museum there and had a conversation with the woman who was minding it. She told him that, when she was a child, she thought that if she was given a shiny new penny and an orange for Christmas she was rich. Apart from that they had each other.
Perhaps that's the way it ought to be. 

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