Saturday 28 July 2018

"I hate walking the dog!"

I had suggested to someone who said he needed some time to himself "just to think" that he might walk the dog.
His wife put me up to this and I was not sure it was a good idea from the start. 
Walking the dog is something she does if she gets the chance in between taking the children to school and going to work and running the household. The children are still too young to safely walk the dog or she would require them to do it.
Yes, he goes to work too. They both have fairly stressful jobs in the legal profession. Neither of them get enough exercise but she gets more exercise than he does.
Walking the dog would be good for him.
There is someone else I can't say I know - but we acknowledge one another in passing - who does walk his dog. I see them coming down our street on quite a regular basis. The dog is a large "German Shepherd". That breed does not have the best of reputations but this one is a total softie. He moves slowly, investigates trees, sniffs at fences and generally seems to enjoy finding new smells and whatever else it is dogs do on a walk. His owner follows on slowly behind, waits patiently and then moves on.It's the sort of thing dog owners everywhere do every day. There is nothing at all unusual about this at all - except for one thing. The owner of this dog has only one leg. He has no prosthesis and uses crutches to get around.  
He still walks his dog.
The Senior Cat would love to have a dog and a cat. We have neither. We won't be having either. Our last cat lived to nearly 21 and, while we both still miss him, we know that we need to be a pet free household. The Senior Cat couldn't walk a dog. He couldn't train one now. He couldn't bath one either. He could very easily trip over an animal. We couldn't get an animal to the vet easily in an emergency because we don't have a car. I couldn't walk a dog and I don't have the time to train one. I suppose we could use  a mobile dog wash but....
Animals are a responsibility. Middle Cat, who has two cats, suggested once that I could have a cat at some point in the future. No. 
I like other people's animals. It isn't unusual for me to know a cat or a dog before I know the human they own. I've been told things like,
    "He never talks to anyone else."
Do the passing humans talk to him?
I must sound ridiculous sometimes.
And the idea of walking a dog? Well if I didn't ride my tricycle and I needed exercise and I needed thinking time then it seems to me that walking a dog might be a good way to get  both. 
Perhaps that is what is wrong with walking a dog. People don't want to exercise...and they don't want thinking time. 

1 comment:

Jodiebodie said...

I have enforced a halt to pets in my household for the time being. As much as I miss having a pet, I don't have the capacity to take responsibly right now - physically or financially. Luckily, or family has been adopted by a local magpie who is very tame. We feed him with a special magpie diet as recommended by our local vet and the children have the joy of handfeeding a wild visitor. The trust this bird has in us is such a privilege and we feel rather special that our current 'pet' chose us instead of us choosing a pet.