Thursday 21 March 2019

I think the mobile phone

may at last be working.
I have mixed feelings about this. It will mean that, should he need to do so, the Senior Cat can reach me over the next four days. That is a "good thing". 
Unfortunately it also means that Middle Cat will also be able to reach me. Much as I love Middle Cat I do not trust her to only call me in an emergency. 
Middle Cat uses her mobile phone a lot. She has an internet connection on it of course and photos and videos and all sorts of information and.... well, you know the sort of thing I mean. 
My mobile phone will allow me to do nothing more than make and receive a call. I have put the minimum amount allowed on it. I can top that up should I ever need to do it.
I explained all this as being what I wanted to the nice young man in the shop yesterday. He looked a little startled when I told him, "All I want it for is so that I can be contacted in an emergency - or contact someone in an emergency."
We worked out that what I had tried to do earlier was logical and that it should have worked. He did things and sent me off and told me I should be able to make and receive calls within thirty minutes. He was wrong about that - very wrong. It was not his fault of course. It took almost a day before the connection was finally made. But, this morning, I will forgive him for that piece of misinformation because I tried again. I cautiously pressed buttons as the screen lit up (at last - it was black) and finally made the all important call from our house line to the number. It worked. I didn't bother to answer myself...I know to push the green button to do that. Enough.
Now I just have to ensure that Middle Cat does not give multiple people my number. 
If she does I might have to start all over again. 

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