Tuesday 22 October 2024

Senator Lidia Thorpe is

not fit to be a Senator. I am sorry to have to say it but I genuinely believe she is not fit to hold the position of Senator in our national parliament.

Thorpe entered the Senate as a "Green" and on preferences. She is, unless there is a double dissolution, there for a full term. It would be almost impossible to remove her.  It is also possible that removing her would give her even more firewood and oxygen than she has now. The media gives her far too much attention.

Her outburst yesterday at the reception for King Charles was not only extremely rude but very embarrassing. No matter how strongly you feel about an issue this is not how you behave as a representative of the people who have elected you. If you do not want to recognise a king as your monarch then you do recognise him as an invited guest in your country and behave accordingly. It is particularly the case when that person has been here before, indeed lived here for some months, and has a genuine and obvious affection for the country.

I suspect King Charles is not well. He does not look well. There is possibly more to the cancer and the cancer treatment than we are being told. To shout and scream at anyone is unacceptable but to do it to someone in that position is to show absolutely unacceptable behaviour. I saw this happen to someone else I once knew. He was a good, caring man and what he went through was also unacceptable and embarrassing for all concerned. I relived that yesterday and felt the same level of extreme discomfort.

There should be a means to remove a Senator who behaves as Thorpe did. She is not going to change. She is someone who has made a career out of "being aboriginal" even though at least half of her ancestry is not aboriginal at all. It comes from the very people she claims to hate so much. Perhaps that is the very reason she is so committed to her cause. To be otherwise might raise uncomfortable questions for her. 

It is unlikely that Thorpe will even be censured in the Senate chamber. To do that would just give her fuel for her imagined cause. I do wish however the media would stop giving her any time or space. It might dampen her hatred just a little.  

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