Thursday 26 April 2018

Someone I know is having twins

- at least, that is the way she has described the situation.
Nicola Morgan, author of some thoroughly sensible books for teenagers like "Blame my brain", "The teenage guide to friends" and "The teenage guide to stress" has two more books coming out.
One "baby" is called, 
      "Positively teenage: A positively brilliant guide to teenage well-being"
Ms W knows about this and said "the sub-sub title should be 'or how not to be a horrible teenager' because you have to work at it".
Ms W has, so far, succeeded in being a lovely teenager but, yes, she has to work at it and, as she puts it, "Not get really mad at my Dad when he leaves a tissue in the wash."
I have yet to read the book but I like the idea of a book which sets out to be positive rather than negative. Why? Because I know some really great teenagers who are very positive but aware people. 
Nicola's other "baby" is called, 
      "The teenage guide to life online"
and if ever a book was needed it is this one. 
Ms W knows about this one too. She isn't keen about life on line. She doesn't have a Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram or Twitter account - or anything else that so many teens do have. She still uses her father's personal email account.
    "I haven't got anything to hide from my Dad," she told someone recently.
I know that will change eventually. It won't be because she wants to hide things from her father  but it will be because she feels confident she can cope with the responsibility. Right now she simply doesn't like a lot of what she sees happening among her friends. She doesn't like it even though I think her good friends are all supportive of one another.
     "Maybe Nicola will change my mind about all that stuff. I'll read it and find out."
I hope a lot of other teenagers will read both books and find out.
But I am also ordering copies for my niece and nephew who have children of their own. Their children are growing up fast, too fast. B... is already concerned about his eldest child, a girl. She is only eight but she is already aware of social media. Some of her friends already use social media.I can only hope they don't use it without parental supervision. He and his wife  will not be letting their children have access to social media any time soon but they do want to know how to approach the problems they can foresee. So, having no doubt that the two books will be as good as Nicola's previous books, I am providing them with copies.
I know they will be useful, very useful. 

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