Saturday 19 February 2022

"Some flowers - for you?"

The delivery man clearly did not speak English as a first language. I was not expecting flowers from anyone. We looked at the label. He pointed at me and I nodded. He left.

I stood there holding the box feeling puzzled. I am not the sort of person who gets flowers from other people when there is no apparent reason for it.

I took the box inside and finally worked out how to open it - undo the end and slide the flaps up. There was a card there. It was from my nephew's partner. They live in another state. He's over here right now but she had to stay there. She just wanted me to know that she was thinking of me right now because "it's a tough time". 

That reduced me to tears. The whole thing had been chosen with such care. The packaging is all made from recycled materials - which can be recycled again. The "vase" is a jam jar that can be reused. The flowers are not big and showy but small and designed to last for days.

I filled the jar with water as per the instructions. I put the flowers in. Then I just stood there and went on staring at the flowers for another minute or so. 

And then I thought, "I don't care if S.... is at work or not. She has to know right now how much I appreciate her love and support." I can leave a message on her mobile if nothing else.

I hoped her boss wouldn't mind. She speaks kindly of him. Even so a non-urgent family call in work time? No, I was going to do it.

I did do it. S.... answered the call. I managed to say "thank you" and tell her I couldn't wait to thank her. I apologised for calling her at work. I sniffled some more.

Then I heard her boss in the background, "Tell her it's perfectly all right. People should always feel free to say thank you." 

S... says he is a good boss. He thanks her frequently.


Beryl Kingston said...

What a lovely warm blog to start my day. Your flowers were richly deserved and S sounds like a sweetie.

catdownunder said...

The family think she is lovely!