Tuesday 20 June 2023

CT scan anyone?

Another thing I have experienced post concussion is a CT scan of my head. (Yes, apparently I do still have a brain - although I wonder how well it is functioning right now.)

This occurred yesterday. I wasn't sure what to expect. I know something about MRIs - Middle Cat has had a few and the Senior Cat had a couple. The CT scan? 

"It's just your head." 

Okay. Middle Cat took me of course. She has been marvellous about ferrying me around. I am under strict orders not to pedal anywhere. To be honest I don't, even a week later, feel too keen on the idea. The back of my head still hurts.

Our GP told Middle Cat, who had swapped appointments with me, that my blood tests had come back normal. (It's okay - we all know each other well enough that I would expect C... to tell Middle Cat to tell me. It helps to be reassured about such things.) The CT scan may well show something else however. I am telling myself that, if it is very serious, then C... will not wait until next Monday's appointment. I will be told today or tomorrow - when she gets the results.

There was no preparation for this. "It's just your head." Grrr....  It was done at the local hospital, the one once reserved for returned servicemen. It has the most peculiar lay out...like spokes of a wheel. We got lost trying to find Radiology. Middle Cat actually had to call them - even though she had once worked at the hospital itself. This was understandable however as there are building works going on there and we had to pass through the building site itself. Another growl or two later we arrived in the right space - only two minutes late. It didn't matter anyway we had to wait - but not too long.

It was all a bit ordinary after that. "What happened? Right....it's just your head. Lie on the bed. You can close your eyes if you like." 

I closed my eyes and folded my upper paws and listened to the noise - a bit like distant earth moving works - and then it stopped.

"Just wait a moment and let the technician see...okay."

That was it. I didn't even get a good look at the dome over my head. Perhaps it was just as well.

Middle Cat took me back to the car. I stared out the window and thought again how fortunate I am to live in a country where this sort of thing can happen - and happen quickly. 

I don't know what's wrong but, having ruled out one possibility, I am wondering about another. If I am right then it is something more complex but it can probably be fixed.  Be positive Cat!

The problem is that I am a very frustrated cat. I have so much I still want to do! 

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