Tuesday 13 June 2023

Random acts of kindness

and stories about them appear on social media from time to time. Some of the stories do the rounds. They get changed slightly so as to appear "new". Some of them have happened. Others have never happened but have been imagined or pulled together from multiple incidents. 

And there are real random acts of kindness. I fainted yesterday. Don't ask me why. I don't know. 

I was putting something in the rubbish bin prior to putting it out into the street for collection. I suddenly felt very dizzy. The next moment I found myself lying on the ground staring at the sky. I had, by some remarkable piece of good fortune landed on the dirt, not on the concrete of the driveway. I sat up. 

I was sitting there when two men in a car came out of the "court" opposite, slowed and called out, "Are you all right?" 

I told them I was because I knew that I could get other help at that point. I had even been alert enough to try the "finger to nose" test - and passed with both paws.

I went slowly inside and, as I had known she would be, a friend arrived a few minutes later. I told her what had happened, said I thought I was going to be all right. After asking if she should phone Middle Cat, L.... made the tea we planned to have. I sat there. Then I started to feel a bit odd again...oops, blood pressure almost certainly up again. L...called Middle Cat. 

A little later Middle Cat arrived took my BP - yes, elevated. Not dangerously so but enough to concern both of them and me. I was starting to feel a bit better though. L...drank her mug of tea, took what I had given her off and said, "I'll check on you tomorrow."

Middle Cat stayed. Nephew-cat, the doctor one, was not answering his phone. Middle Cat called another GP she knows well enough to call a friend as well. She told her what had happened and how I was feeling. B..., whom I have met, hauled up my records from the clinic. They discussed the situation with me. I was starting to feel more normal and we agreed that the hospital emergency department was not necessary. I would just go over to Middle Cat's place for a while.

I crawled into her car and spent the rest of the afternoon sitting quietly talking to her male cat. He didn't appear particularly concerned. Why wasn't I playing games with him?

Middle Cat wondered if I should stay the night but I said no. I would put the phone by the bed and call her or an ambulance if I thought I was feeling in need of either. I would be sensible.

I went to bed with one low dose of valium provided by Middle Cat. Despite waking twice in the night I feel okay again but I am also feeling grateful - to the two men who queried if I was okay, to L... who handled the whole thing with the degree of calm and common sense which makes her such a good friend, to Middle Cat  and B... who was at home and not on duty but cheerfully assessed the situation anyway.  None of them had to do that.    

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