Tuesday 23 July 2024

An 8am knock on the door

was not likely to be good news or it would be somebody needing something. It was not good news and somebody did need something. 

Another of the dog walkers was standing there. He had one of those small "dolly-trolleys" used to cart boxes and the like around. On it were several large boxes. 

We looked at one another and I could see he was very, very distressed. I was about to ask if he needed some help when he burst into tears. 

As I had absolutely no idea what the problem and I did not even know his name the idea of giving him a comforting hug did not seem right. I just put a cautious paw on his arm and waited. He did not seem to object to that.

After a moment he pulled out a handkerchief, blew his nose and said, "Sorry. It's still too much."

I waited. Asking any question seemed the wrong thing to do right them.

"It's our grandson. He... "

"Come in. If you want to tell me I'll listen. I'll put the kettle on."

"Tea please."

And so he sat there at the kitchen table. I made tea and I listened to an appalling story of a shy, sensitive teenage boy who had admitted he was gay. His father, this man's own son, had converted to a very strict religious sect some years ago. It was the cause of much tension in the family. I already knew that. Now it seems that, unlike the grandfather, the father was not willing to accept he had a son whose sexual orientation was not "normal". 

"I know you don't feel that way...that's why I'm asking. I've seen you laughing with R... and G... and  you talk about your cousin and his partner. I just wish D..."

D... had been shunned at home, made to eat alone and not spoken to at all. At school he had been bullied without mercy. It was all too much. 

In the boxes there were jigsaw puzzles. Seven of them are something apparently called "the rainbow project". Each of them are a thousand pieces. They do not look easy to do.

We talked about them, about how this man had planned he and D... should do them together. "I wanted him to know we accepted him, all of him."

Eventually we divided the jigsaws into two. The rainbow series are going to a local church which has a music and activities program for very young children. They will be used as a fund raiser for that program as it supports young parents as well. The others will go to the local library as it always has a jigsaw puzzle out for people to put together. Middle Cat will take them to both places today.

I watched this man wheel his empty dolly-trolley off across the street and wondered if there was any chance of him mending the relationship with his own son. Is it too late? 


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