Wednesday 31 July 2024

No, HE IS a man

and he should not be competing against a woman in something which is titled "women's".

Yes, I know I have made it quite clear that I do not care for the Olympics or all the fuss. Now may I also make it quite clear that I do not care for "boxing" too? 

I think the so called "sport" of boxing is not a sport at all. It is just downright dangerous at the best of times. The idea that you punch someone until they fall over and get "knocked out" leaves me cold. There is nothing "sporting" about it. I do not believe it teaches people anything except cruelty. 

Now there are apparently questions about the sexuality of some of those supposedly competing in the Olympics in the boxing classes. There are complaints, I suspect very valid complaints, that some of those competing in the women's classes are not women at all. They are men. 

Yes, I know there will be people who will scream "transgender people have rights" but this is not about transgender rights at all. It is about physical differences. Men are not women. They are built differently. There is no medical procedure which can change the fact that men tend to be taller, stronger and faster than women. Even men who have undergone a "sex change" will have an advantage.

The men who compete as women are perhaps not the best athletes. They would almost certainly not beat a field of male runners but they can still have an advantage over women. There are reports of this, of women who have trained long and hard only to be beaten by men who masquerade as women. Is that really fair?

All that though pales against the idea that a man can go into a boxing ring as a "woman" and compete against a woman. Even with all the medical procedures and treatment men will have an advantage. It is a very dangerous advantage. They could very easily land a punch which will kill. You can say it is foolish of women to want to box at all, and yes it is, but if they do then they should not be expected to face up to a man however he identifies.

I cannot imagine how anyone who throws a fatal punch in that so called "sport" would feel...and why should those responsible for not only allowing but encouraging it feel any different? Surely this is wrong? 

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