Thursday 17 December 2015

My favourite comfort read?????

Oh...."comfort read"?
That's difficult. If I need to ignore the world for a while then I'll try and find an undemanding sort of read - a whodunit possibly.
A tough time over work...being told about the almost unbearable situations some of my colleagues find themselves in or, worse still, losing one of them out in the field due to violence? I'll go back to some things I have already mentioned Hammarskjold, a book of "meditations" or quotations or something similar. It will be something that reminds me that other people have been there in that place too - and that they have come through it.
Once in a while I may re-read something familiar. I sometimes re-read a book a child has been reading so that we can talk about it - and going back to childhood favourites can be comforting. There is a sense of safety about some of them.
But a real comfort read? It will only take a few minutes but - should an ancient cat admit this? I love picture books...I'll pick up a picture book and read that. I'll prowl through the familiar pages and pictures and get stroked by the sheer simplicity of them. What does it say about me? I don't know. I still love "The Story About Ping" and "Make Way for Ducklings" and many more.
If you really want a comfort read pick up one of the Katie Morag books by Mairi Hedderwick. There's a wonderful sense of family and community in those books. The illustrations are marvellous. Granny Island and Granny Mainland are wonderful.  Katie Morag is just delicious. The books remind me of life in small communities here - and the island we once lived on.
Yes, yes I know this is possibly not quite what you meant Vanessa but I think you have to admit it's a pretty good comfort read. 


jeanfromcornwall said...

Oh I am so glad you like Katie Morag. We have loved her since my daughters were small - who could not love a child whose favourite footwear is wellies. I have had to knit a jumper for a favourite doll (see Ravelry) and my daughter said it was worth every effort when her daughter unwrapped the Katie Morag jumper for her. The stories have been recently serialised for childrens' television and the general opinion is Good.

When I wish for pictures, I go to any of the books published by the late Rien Poortvliet - a Dutch artist who could paint what you can really see, rather than a photograph. He painted wildlife, domestic life, Historical life, and even fantasy, in his books abut the Gnomes.

Allison said...

Here's another ancient cat that not only still reads picture books but also is still actively buying them. I cannot even point to very young friends as an excuse. I unfortunately have none so these books are just for me. And I love them. I've put Katie Morag on my list of books to find. Thank you.

catdownunder said...

Oh, so glad someone else likes them as well Jean - I'll look on Ravelry. And Allison I am sure you won't be disappointed!