Wednesday 18 April 2018

A visit to the doctor

is never something to be enjoyed, merely tolerated.
I had to go yesterday to see mine about the results of a routine blood test.
I try to schedule appointments to see her fairly early in the morning. There are good reasons for this and the reception staff used to be as accommodating as they could be. Now I can book an appointment on line and make sure that it is fairly early in the morning. I still leave the first few for people who need to see her before they go to work but then she likes to see me as soon as possible.
Of course yesterday she was running late. She was running twenty two minutes late by the time she saw me and the morning was not even half over. 
I know we have ten minutes to discuss the results of my blood test, take my blood pressure (BP) and for me to get out of there. If we could do it even faster than that it would help her. Right.
The blood test is fine. My vitamin D levels - the cause of concern - are back to normal. 
The BP test is a different story. I do not like having my BP taken. When I was very young a doctor took it without explaining anything and I suppose that I have never managed to accept the sensation. My adult self says, "Don't be silly. This is essential." 
It doesn't help.
It doesn't help because there is another problem. I find it impossible to keep my arm absolutely still on command. That is a result of my cerebral palsy and it is something I have no control over. My current doctor recognises that. 
Yesterday, after failing twice, she tried something new. She put another little device on my other wrist and said, "Imagine a moped going up a hill."
The little device whirred. We had no success. 
     "C....that's the last thing I need to imagine. The idea of riding one of those things terrifies me," I told her. 
We both laughed and then she said,
"I'll give it one more go. Can you think of something else?"
The little device whirred again.
"What were you thinking of this time?" she asked.
"A contented cat purring," I told her.
 More laughter.
But I am glad she doesn't want to see me for another six months.

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