Sunday 2 June 2024

I have been asked to comment

on the jury decision in the case of a certain Donald Trump - and what the likely outcome will be.

The first part is easy. The jury is in possession of all the evidence presented to them. I only have what the news media is telling me and my own observations of the behaviour of this individual as seen on the news media.  I suspect that, had I been on the jury, I may also have found him guilty. His behaviour after the last election he participated in, his manner towards the court, his statements outside the court and his failure to take the stand in his own defence all lead to a willingness to believe in his guilt.

There was also an evident sense of relief among people (some of them important enough for me to take careful note of their views) who matter. But - in their relief there was also clearly alarm.

The reason for their alarm is that the result may have the unintended effect of making this man more rather than less popular.  This alarms me too.  Donations to his "campaign" apparently surged on hearing of his conviction. 

This is the conviction of a man who once again wants to be one of the most powerful people in the world. If he had been a much less well known person his trial would probably have rated a little coverage. Some people would have known about it. It is unlikely we would have heard much, if anything, about it here. But this is a man who was already known. He likes to be known. He likes to be the centre of media attention. He likes to be known as "that guy from that television show - the nasty one". People seem to admire him for that. He tells people he is going to make their country great again. Really? 

I am concerned by all this because it does affect us as well. If he does do some of the things he claims he wants to do then we could well have another world wide conflict. The balance of power would alter. Right now we are too close to the tipping point as it is, far too close for comfort. 

It is also why I will go on supporting our present system of government here. It may seem a weird and outdated system that does not allow a "democratic" choice but it does not depend on presidential style campaigning with all the costs that go with it. Those costs are not just monetary of course but anything that depends on being able to raise millions of dollars because you are convicted of an offence seems wrong to me.  

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