Thursday 27 June 2024

More spam from

a supermarket I do not shop at came up on my mobile phone. It also asks you to "unsubscribe" if you do not wish to receive their oh so important messages. 

Come on Cat! Why haven't you spent your (non-existent) "loyalty" points? You are in danger of losing them!

I think I can remember the last time I went into that particular supermarket chain. It was just after the Senior Cat's death. Middle Cat and I had been out and about dealing with things that needed to be dealt with. I am fairly certain the only thing I bought was milk - and I know, for reasons I need not mention, I paid cash. 

So this message is nothing more than an attempt to make sure I "unsubscribe" and thus actually do the opposite. It will simply ensure that I am permanently on a marketing list for something I do not use.

I had occasion to use Middle Cat's computer last night. We had come back from seeing the barrister who will be assisting us in court today and I needed to check my work email for a message.  Her own email stream came up first. There were hundreds of messages there - almost all of them marketing spam of one sort or another. Apparently this does not worry her. "I just ignore it", she told me.

I report such things as "spam" and the server does not allow it to reach me. My inbox contains a lot of mail but it contains almost nothing of that nature. It would irritate me no end to have to scroll past all those "marketing" messages. I am paying for a service but it is not an advertising service. 

The phone provider is apparently unable to do the same. Requesting a "stop" just seems to encourage the advertiser. 

I really do wonder though just what they get from it. While I do not believe I am immune to advertising because nobody really is I do believe I am perhaps less likely to succumb than many people. Why? There is a simple answer to that. I do not have the money to spend anyway!


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