Saturday 22 June 2024

Riding on the footpath

is a privilege as well as a legal right in this state. 

When I first returned here it was not legal. I dutifully pedalled along the roads. I kept as close to the gutters as I could but I was still conscious that I was risking my life each time I left home. 

Then came the glorious day when I was pulled over by a couple of policemen. Yes, interested in my tricycle and why wasn't I on the footpath. It would be a lot safer. I did not growl at them I simply gave a polite miaou of protest and pointed out that it was not legal.

"Well we would rather you broke the law," I was told. We negotiated this and I actually got permission - or rather, the tricycle would be considered a "mobility" device. It was such a relief to no longer have to travel along a major road with heavy vehicles going past me.  Since then I have had the police move their radar gear out of the way for me with a cheerful, "Look out, tricycle coming through" and more than one lot of workmen lift my tricycle over obstacles they have created - and, on one memorable occasion, lift me as well!

I am watchful of driveways, of pedestrians (particularly the very elderly and the very young) and of obstacles ahead. On quiet back streets I will still use the roads if the footpaths are in poor condition. I do not speed. It is simply not possible to speed. On a footpath I go at walking pace. I never pass someone unless I am certain they are actually aware I am there - and usually they will have moved over to let me go by. I even do this for the young loping along with their ear-buds in place or for those looking at their phone screens rather than where they are going.

It therefore irritates me a great deal that the government plans to bring in legislation that will allow people who ride "e-scooters" to use the footpaths. These riders will not go at walking speed. The plan is to allow them to go at 15kmh. Like most such plans it will mean that most will go at least that fast, "because we can".  Safety will not be an issue for them. It will be for those who cannot get out of the way fast enough. 

There is something wrong with all this. Why are so many people in such a hurry to get somewhere? What is so important? What do they do when they get there? Please, can someone tell me? 

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