Tuesday 11 June 2024

Net zero! Net zero!

Net zero! We need to reach 43% by 2030! 

The politicians were back at it again over the weekend. There was a holiday (King's Birthday) yesterday and it must have been a slow news day elsewhere because the story came up again.  The Prime Minister was criticising the Leader of the Opposition because - shock and horror - the question of nuclear power was raised yet again. 

We are still being told that nuclear power is "dangerous" and "wrong" and "too expensive" and "will take too long to build" ...and more.  I may be wrong but I suspect the real problem is that there are too many people with a financial interest in "renewables".

What really puzzles me though is that nowhere in this ongoing argument and attempt to convince people that we need to "do something" is that anyone seems to be saying what is blindingly obvious to me. We need to plant more greenery. If we want to "save the planet" then we need to replant the vegetation. We need to replant the right things in the right places. We need to plant the right sort of food for us and for the planet. 

Is it really that difficult? Apparently it is. People "don't have time" to garden - but they have time to go to the pub, go to a footy match, watch television (probably more sport) and more. Gardening is hard work. Getting out and clearing the waterways and planting more of the right sort of vegetation is even harder. 

I am not the fittest or most able of cats but I spent yesterday afternoon prowling around the garden sweeping up leaves from the street trees and putting them in the "green" bin because it gets emptied today. I drew the line at sweeping up what was in the street because I do not feel safe doing that. I did it while keeping an eye on the kittens. They were doing their usual racing up and down the street.  The four balloons they had taken outside did not last long. I looked pointedly at the other bin and the dead remains of balloon were neatly deposited in my "blue" bin (general waste). 

"What do they do with the leaves?" the youngest kitten asked me. I explained.  She sighed and then said, "I like trees." 

I like trees too but it seems there are far too many politicians who like solar panels more than trees.  

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