Tuesday 18 June 2024

No more donations

in any form? 

Many years ago a former Prime Minister of this country stood up in our Federal Parliament and informed the members that a decision had been made to "deregister" what was then the Builders Labourers Federation (BLF).  That Prime Minister had previously been head of the entire trade union movement. It was an unprecedented move and a brave one.  It was also one which needed to be taken.

Unfortunately the BLF has now sprung up in another form, that of the CFMEU. The "C" is for "construction" and it is there the real problems lie. The CFMEU controls the building industry. Members of the CFMEU get paid extraordinary wages. Many of them, unskilled and lacking in training, get more than professionals who have spent years training and take on far more responsibility. Members of the CFMEU enjoy shorter hours and longer holidays as well. 

In a neighbouring state they have just achieved an eye-watering increase in their annual income - twenty-one percent. They intend to do the same in this state. They intend to do it in an industry which is already struggling to do something about the lack of housing and other infrastructure. Their members apparently "deserve" it and politicians know any attempt to stop such outrageous demands will have a very negative effect on the entire economy.  It is union behaviour at its very worst and it is likely to continue while those who could do something about the situation refuse to act for fear of losing their own jobs.

Yes, it is time something was done. Nothing will be done. What is more it seems we are hell bent on training the youngest generation of children to actually think the way the union is behaving is right and proper. The "Early Years Learning Framework" endorsed by the federal government is demanding that preschool children be taught about "social justice" and "diversity, inclusion and equity". These things are mentioned over and over again in the manifesto accepted by the government. They want an "acknowledgment of country" and gender, sexuality, race and culture discussed with three and four year old children. 

In the entire document "mother", "father" and "parent" are not mentioned once. There is no mention of learning to play together, explore the physical world, art, music, number recognition or learning to recognise some survival words. Apparently all these things are secondary to indoctrination into woke ideas, the sort of ideas which will lead children into believing that the tactics of unions like the CFMEU are right.

It is time to stop all this. We need a Prime Minister who can stand up to the CFMEU, who can stand up to those who believe that there is only one way of thinking. This is not Communist China or North Korea or Afghanistan.   

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