Friday 15 March 2019

Get Up needs to

get out.
I'm sorry but I have had enough of "Get Up". It's a wrecking ball. I don't mind people making themselves heard as a group. That sort of activism can be a good and positive thing. It can lead to good and positive change.
Get Up isn't doing that. There was some material left in our letter box yesterday. It came from Get Up. It was entirely negative about our local Federal MP. It didn't have a good word to say about her. Is she really that bad? 
I happen to know our local Federal MP. She isn't an "in your face" or "I'm all about publicity" sort of person. It's not her style. Her style has been to get on with the job and get some results. And yes, she has got some results. There are people I know all over the place that have told me, "I went to ..... like you suggested and she...." Letters have been written. Phone calls have been made. People have been asked to do things. What is more these things have been followed up. No, it hasn't been noisy. She has simply got on with doing the job. 
But Get Up is complaining not because she was doing her job but because she backed what they consider to have been the wrong person in the leadership spill. According to them she is responsible for the "turmoil" in the government. 
What absolute rubbish! She backed a vote on the leadership but it was more than time for that to happen. Subsequent events have shown that to the case. 
Now, in this morning's paper, there is a discussion of how Get Up plans to "flood" the electorate with phone calls. I wonder how they plan to do this. I doubt their members will be trawling through the phone book looking for addresses in the electorate.  Have they obtained a list of phone numbers from somewhere? If they have then it cannot have been obtained legally. 
And I think that says it all for such organisations. They don't mind what tactics they use to get their message across. They believe they are above the law because, or so they believe, their message is more important than abiding by the law.
It is time to stop this sort of nonsense. As I said yesterday, if you want to protest  then sit down and write a letter. Send me some reasoned and individual letters members of Get Up. I'll read them. I may not change my mind but you have more hope of getting me to listen. 

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