Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Undelivered parcels

are infuriating. They are more of an issue now than they have ever been before of course. On line shopping means that there are more parcels even though there may be less letters.
We had a very good parcel delivery person. He was quick and efficient. He knew people. He stopped his van once as I was pedalling past.
    "I have a parcel for you. It has to be signed for so I couldn't leave it. Do you want it now? It is only small."
Yes please!
Our neighbours were out one day and he couldn't leave the parcel safely so, seeing me in the front garden and knowing that I knew them well, he asked if he could leave it with me.
    "I know that Mr... is looking for it. I'll leave a note in their box."
Why not?
Around Christmas he worked over time. He delivered at weekends although he didn't need to do it.
He lost his job three weeks before Christmas the following year. It wasn't because he was doing it badly. He wasn't dishonest. There was nothing wrong at all. The problem was that it is contracted work and somebody offered to do the job more cheaply.
But, they can't do the job nearly as well. Things have gone missing. Other things have been broken or damaged.
I bought something recently. I waited and waited. The company is usually very efficient but there had been a warning there might be a short delay so I was not too concerned. Then I had a refund notice. I inquired, couldn't they supply? No, it wasn't that. The correctly addressed parcel had been returned with "NONEED" written on it. Quite apart from the fact that it was an extremely rude way to return the parcel I wanted what was in there. I wanted it for someone else. If you do want to return something I was told long ago to put "RTS please" (return to sender).
I have made inquiries on line with the Post Office but they say they need a tracking number. I hope the company in question will supply it although I have a nasty suspicion it won't get me any further. 
But I am angry because other people are complaining as well. Someone in the next street had a note left in their letter box to pick a parcel up from the Post Office even though he was home and working (in full view) on his car in the driveway. Around the corner from him a parcel was left just inside the gate in the only rain we have had in weeks. 
The post office may believe they are saving money on a cheaper contractor but it isn't cheaper for the customer.

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