Sunday 23 August 2020

Has Alexi Navalny been poisoned?

I will not try and answer that question. It is for people far more expert than me. 

I don't know if the Covid19 virus has come to us from bats, rats, or people either. 

There are a lot of other things I do not know either. If I did know some things I might be better off - or I might not be. I am a little tired of "conspiracy theories".  

A couple of days ago a friend sent me a picture. I don't know where the picture came from although I suspect it might be from

The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charles Mackesy. I cannot access a copy right now to hunt for it. 

 Image may contain: text that says ""Which is more important," asked Big Panda, "the journey or the destination?" "The company." said Tiny Dragon."I think Tiny Dragon is right.

I'll leave it with you.

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