Saturday, 22 August 2020

Politicians under pressure

and the media is making the most of it.  Yes, we expect that. We even revel in seeing the same politicians flounder and the media making fools of them. I know, it's a sort of game. It keeps telling us how badly we are being governed.

But I was brought up short yesterday because I hesitated over something I should have known well, indeed very well.  I had to look it up. I should not have needed to look it up.

My excuse? I was under intense pressure at the time. Unlike a politician I could apologise. I got an understanding nod and the meeting went on.  

Politicians are not allowed such lapses. They are expected to be on top of all the facts and figures all the time. If they make a mistake, the smallest mistake, they are "not up to the job". Has there ever been a politician who has not made a mistake? Has there ever been a politician who has known everything s/he needed to know - instantly and without recall to a piece of paper or a person? I doubt it. 

There are of course those politicians who are skilled at not answering questions - while appearing to answer them. There are journalists who let them get away with it, who are as happy to ignore a failure to answer as the politician is to get away with it. I think that bothers me even more.  

The plans by the ACCC to make a certain search engine pay for news content might sound reasonable, is reasonable - as long as the news content is actually fair and reasonable and does not display the bias of certain journalists of my acquaintance. Unfortunately it is likely to encourage just the opposite. 

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