Thursday 20 January 2022

"May we see your driver's licence please?"

I had a very odd experience yesterday. 

Two policemen arrived at the front door - and scared the living daylights out of me. I immediately wondered about the safety and well being of family living interstate. 

No, they were not mentioned. Instead they asked to see my driver's licence. 

"I haven't got a licence," I told one of them as the other looked in the carport.

"Where's your car?" the one looking in the carport asked. The carport is currently filled with the avocado tree we had to take down.

"I don't have a car. I have never had a licence to drive one and I don't even know how to drive."

"But you are.... "

"No. Try the court across the road," I said recognising the name, "But I think she is still in hospital."

Without a word of apology the two unwanted visitors went across to the court. They were back a few minutes later and asked me, "Do you know what hospital she is in?" 

No, I don't. I know where she goes to see her pulmonary specialist but I wasn't going to say anything unless I had to. I doubt P... has been speeding. The opposite would be true. She is a menace on the road because she goes at snail's pace. I know her car isn't damaged in any way because I had to leave a packet she was expecting at her back door on Monday. I would have noticed damage to her almost new car. 

My unwanted visitors looked at each other and then back at me. I knew they wouldn't share information with me unless it suited their purposes. All the same word would get around that there had been police over there. There are some people living in the units there who have come from countries where relationships with the police tend not to be good. 

I said this and then I said, "I know you probably won't want to share information but can you tell me enough for me to reassure people over there."

Again they looked at one another and then said, "We had a report of a car with those number plates....and the person reporting it said they thought the car was at this address - or that one."

Right. Someone is either mistaken or decided to cause some problems for P... (who is not popular) or there is some other error.

Perhaps it is as well for P... she is still in hospital - but perhaps it might also be better if she had not bought a bright red car. I'll just tell her neighbours when they ask (which they will) that the police were concerned her car might have been damaged.  

And perhaps they could just have asked if I was P.... in the first place?

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