Thursday 6 January 2022

No-vax Djokovic

seems to have made the headlines in a big way. 

I am hoping he will just be put on the first available plane and sent home after getting a hefty fine.

Why? Because if he can be vaccinated and is simply choosing not to do so for whatever reason then he is subject to the same rules as everyone else. He is also setting a very bad example to others. In his position he should be setting a good example. 

I am not talking here about whether people should get vaccinated - that's a different issue altogether. The issue here is that this is a person with a very high public profile. He needs to obey the rules. That means either getting the jabs if there is no medical reason not to get them or just quietly withdrawing and saying, "I am not able to participate." That should be an end to the matter. 

Nobody in Djokovic's position should get special treatment. The example it sets is appalling. 

Nor can he hide behind "medical privacy" when the media is braying for medical details in another high profile case of a different nature. No, I'm sorry but there is no difference between the two.

Recently I helped an elderly woman do the necessary work so she could move into a nursing home. It was not a particularly onerous task because her financial affairs are being meticulously cared for by her son. He and I had some quite lengthy conversations about what needed to be done and how to do it. I have joint Power of Attorney with her son. We can act "jointly and severally" apart from the house - that is his responsibility alone. Fortunately it has all worked out well, partly because the woman in question had herself made the decision that she wanted to move and asked me to be involved.

But the reason all my involvement was necessary is because her son is currently stuck in another country. He can't get permission to return. He also needs to be able to go back because that is where his work is - and will be. What would have been ideal would have been for him to be able to take some of the extensive leave owing to him and come to do it for his mother. It is what he wanted to do. It is certainly what I would have preferred because it is a responsibility I do worry about. In a position like that I need to be so very, very careful to account for every action I take. Yes, we have worked well together and without argument but it is stressful.

This is a responsible, professional medically aware man who  is vaccinated and would have been willing to isolate at his own expense. To me the fact that he could not enter the country but a "sports" person can says to me that we have our priorities wrong yet again.



John Jackson said...

Totally agree!!!

Its his right not to be vaccinated. Its Australias responsibility not to let him in!

jeanfromcornwall said...

Mr Djokovitch seems to be working to the same rules as the government of this country upover - ie whatever he wants, unlike us the people.

catdownunder said...

The legal shenanigans are about to begin...he may "win" but he won't win in the court of public opinion - not holding my breath John!
Isn't that true of governments everywhere Jean?