Saturday 1 January 2022

"No, there won't be any,"

I told the inquirer. 

"But Cat, everyone makes New Year's resolutions! There must be something...."

"No - not making any," I told her

"You're making a resolution then - not to make any."

"No, I am simply not making any."

This did not go down well. Apparently I am "supposed to make" some sort of New Year's resolution(s). Why? I don't want to. I am just not interested. If I did make one I almost certainly would not keep it. Then I would feel like a failure.

Right now I don't need to put myself under any further sort of stress. There is  enough stress in my life without that.

It has not prevented me from making a mental list of things I would like to do in the coming year - if I can. They are mostly simple things - like removing some of the clutter and passing on what is genuinely useful. I can work slowly on that. It doesn't have to be a "resolution". I have some "craft" plans - one project in particular. It is going to take a while but it will be interesting to see if I can do it. This might also be the year that I knit something for myself. I threw out two ancient woollen garments this year - both with darns and patches - and I really do actually need to replace them with at least one. Then again there are other people who need things as well. I'll think about that.

Perhaps S... (who comes two hours once a fortnight to help with the things I physically cannot do in the garden) and I will manage to keep the weeds under control? It's not a resolution though!

I don't want to be bound by resolutions though - or the feeling I ought to be keeping them. No, what would be nice would be to feel that, just once in a while, I could wake up thinking, "No, I don't want to do what I planned to do today. I would rather do X...." - and then do it.

Is that a resolution of sorts? I hope not... I just want it to be an option.  


Beryl Kingston said...

I'm with you all the way on this one Cat. Lots of love

Allison said...

I believe the difference is that you, Cat, understand what a resolution is. I also believe that many of the 'resolution' list makers perceive their lists more as wish lists. I'm with you and Beryl.

Much love to Senior Cat.

Allison said...

And to you, too!