Monday 12 September 2022

How to start a (royal) rumour

is perhaps to base it ever so slightly in fact.

Like everyone else I have heard and even seen any number of "facts" about the Royal family in the last few days. Most of them have come from the anti-monarchist crew. Some of them have come from reporters - who should know better - and some have come from people who simply don't think but repeat what they believe they have seen or heard.

So, what really happened? If we look at a couple of incidents it is interesting. There is for instance the GIF which was shown of the new King apparently demanding that an ink pot be moved out of his way. Someone created that for the purpose of suggesting HRH is a rude, impatient man who expects to be waited on. The reality? He simply shifted it himself and, in response to what was probably something like "Would you like me to move that sir?" he actually looks back, smiles and says "thank you". 

There's a clip where someone complains that Prince William does not open a car door for his partner but Prince Harry does. Again it is completely false to suggest that Prince William is not showing his wife the same courtesy. There is a security man there who does the job instead...who would always do it. If the Prince was being driven rather than doing the driving security would do it for the Prince as well. But it is convenient for an anti-monarchist to suggest that the Prince is not a civil man who cares for his partner.

There were also all sorts of rumours flying around about how Prince William delayed asking Prince Harry and his partner to join them when they did go to meet people. Then there has been all the "analysis" of where they stood in relation to one another and how far apart they stood and their gestures and much more. Really? It is nonsense. They behaved in relation to each other as the vast majority of people would behave in a similar situation.

There is nothing at all to be made of Prince Harry's partner not going to Balmoral. The reality is simple. It would not have been appropriate because the then Duchess of Cambridge was not going. Her first responsibility, and the one the Queen would have wanted her to deal with, was to the three children who were going to be upset. 

Trying to make something of nothing is what so many people will continue to do in the next few weeks. After all it is what makes so much "news". It really isn't news at all. It  simply makes some little people feel big - because it does so much harm. 

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