Sunday 13 May 2018

I still don't get the Eurovision thing

and yes, I know that it might be just that I am well...too old? 
No, not that. I could understand  a Euro-folk or a Euro-portrait (like the Archibald) sort of thing. 
I just don't understand the point in getting up and making a noise in front of flashing lights and then getting other people to vote on it. (The vote is probably rigged anyway.)
Yes, I was forced to endure a little of this during the international news service last night. No, it isn't my "thing". The Senior Cat was in the room at the crucial point and asked me,
    "What on earth is  that?"
I tried, not very successfully, to explain. He went off muttering to himself about it not being music.
The Senior Cat's taste in music tends to be Gilbert and Sullivan, other "light opera" - with tunes he "recognises". Mozart and the like are fine but his tolerance for the "long and slow and wandering" pieces of Bach has decreased. (That's his description, not mine.)  He doesn't  pretend to know much about music and can't remember how to read the treble line - something he once thought he knew for the purposes of teaching.  He can't sing in tune.
My musical knowledge is, thankfully, superior to his. Those music theory lessons with Sister S.... were not wasted. I wanted to know. That dear nun taught me a great deal and it has been very useful. I wonder what she would make of "Eurovision"? She was a tolerant person - good grief, she taught me and my siblings! - but I think 
Eurovision might have been a step too far.
But it is obviously something that a lot of people do enjoy, rather like fashion house "collections" attract other people, or people wander around in muddy fields looking at horses or old cars or - something.
You know what would be nice? A Euro-knit. Imagine everyone out there knitting away?
It should happen. It is going to happen. It will be "World Wide Knit in Public Day" on 9 June.
But it won't get the coverage of Eurovision.  I can't understand that.

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