Wednesday 26 December 2018

Little things

are what count the most....the look on the Senior Cat's face as he unwrapped the books I gave him was lovely.
He was expecting one because it was  what  he had told me he thought he would like. I had found another and then our friend N... in Upover had mentioned another which I knew he simply must have the opportunity to read.
We exchanged presents at breakfast time - in peace and quiet. It took the Senior Cat even longer to eat breakfast than is usual. If there had been a newspaper as well he would have been torn between reading the paper and reading a book. 
My BIL turned up in the late morning to take us over to his and Middle Cat's house. He brought with him their present to us - a new bin. 
A bin? Yes, a kitchen bin. Middle Cat had decided we needed one. It is a very fancy bin. The lid opens electronically - if you wave a paw in front of it.
Of course BIL and the Senior Cat had to unpack this, put batteries in, and play with it.  Batteries in a bin?! I ask you! (The batteries power the mechanism which opens the lid.) We can't use it yet because you must use bin liners and they must be a certain size....and there I was being environmentally friendly and recycling bags in the old bin. But, the Senior Cat is still purring over it this morning. 
And then we had T.... and H.... and their father come and give us a bag of goodies. In return we gave them the activity packs I had put together. Their mother and I had discussed the contents and T..., who has just turned five, had things like a colouring book and envelopes, a dozen new coloured pencils and some  other little things. He thanked me properly for the bag and then looked inside. There was a squeal. 
    "I've got sticky tape!"
He grinned and said, "Thank you!" yet again. 
Who would think a roll of sticky tape would be so welcome?
I remember the first Christmas we kittens were back in the city after living in a tiny desert community a  long way from the nearest beach. We hadn't yet had a "swim" that summer. My brother and I were staying with our paternal grandparents and, very early in the  morning - before we even opened presents, our grandfather quietly took  us out of the house and we went down to the beach very close to their home. That short time in the water was magical  It was clear, calm, cool and the very best part of the day. I can't remember what we were given. It would have been something we needed because that was the way things worked in our home. That didn't matter. My brother and I still remember going for the early morning swim after being away from our beloved beach for so long.
It was a little thing but it gave us a great deal of pleasure.
And this year, for me, it might just be the two plates of "left overs".
I won't need to cook today.
I like little things.


Jan Jones said...

Oh, what a lovely memory. Yes, as you say, it is the little things that truly count. Merry Christmas x

catdownunder said...

It is - my paternal grandparents were very special people to me. They didn't spoil us but they gave us those sort of memories instead.