Saturday 20 July 2019

Medical appointments

for the Senior Cat are the responsibility of Middle Cat - not me.
They are her responsibility because (a) she has more medical training than I do and (b) she has the ability to get him there in her vehicle.
Appointment reminders are supposed to go to her.
Appointments go on the wall calendar.
You can see where I am going can't you?
The Senior Cat had an appointment with the eye specialist on Thursday. Thursday was the day that I was a bit "under the weather"  - an  inner ear issue was not making me want to prowl anywhere. I did not check the calendar.
In fact I did not check the calendar until late yesterday - and then I saw the appointment. Oh....
I left Middle Cat a message. She had forgotten too - and she apparently had not been sent a reminder.
    "I'll phone and apologise and reschedule..."
And yes, she will....and yes, I suppose that this happens quite often, especially with older people, but it must be frustrating for the medical profession. The Senior Cat will be upset when he finds out. He hates to do anything like this, sees it as extremely discourteous.
It isn't his fault but he will still feel embarrassed about it.
And I am cursing that I didn't make the effort to look at the calendar. These days  the Senior Cat mostly forgets to do that. 
Those reminder calls are a good thing....yes?

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