Thursday 15 December 2022

Adult, human, female?

As any regular reader of this blog or my other "social" social media posts will know I sometimes refer to my childhood as my "kittenhood". I will also refer to "prowling" and other cat-like things. All that is just a bit of fun. Nobody has ever complained about it.

But of course I am an adult in the eyes of the law. I am a human in the eyes of the law. I am also a female and I want to remain that way in the eyes of the law.

I believe there are just two sexes - male and female. I do not believe you can "transition" or "change sex".  I do not believe there is any form of medical treatment that can cause a male to become fully a female or a female to become fully a male. A female cannot have a penis. A male cannot have a baby.

Yes, you can make certain alterations using drugs and surgery but it will not make you anything other than the sex you were born. Every cell in your body will still be male or female.

Now that does not stop you "identifying" as a member of the opposite sex if that is what you wish to do.I have absolutely no problem at all with a male who wishes to dress as a female. Equally I have no problems at all with females who wish to dress as males. That is entirely up to them. If they feel more comfortable that way then I will support their choice.

What I cannot support is what I will call "intrusion" on the opposite sex, those times when those identifying with the opposite sex also demand to use their facilities. That's intruding on a space I should be able to feel comfortable in. It is intruding on a space I should feel safe in.  

I don't believe their rights are somehow greater than mine or those of around half of all humans because they have made a decision to identify differently to the majority. Their choices do not give them the right to deny others their legal rights.   

I know I am sticking my neck out here. There will probably be some furious comments - if not on the blog then elsewhere. Let me tell you now that my only first cousin is in a same sex relationship. He is married to the man. They have been together for thirty-eight years. I think his partner is a wonderful man and they are very happy together. They are very supportive of each other and of us - as we are of them. I know other people in same sex relationships and I have no problems with that. They are good friends and I know I can rely on them, as I hope they can on me.

I also know two people who quietly identify as "more the other way inclined" - their own words. They don't make a thing of it at all. They just get on with their lives. Neither of them dress differently. They have not been through any sort of medical treatment. They both have jobs which are more traditionally considered to be roles for the other sex. They have hobbies which are generally identified with the other sex too. I know other people who simply think they are "a bit different" and they are happy with that. We have talked about it on occasion. I know it is difficult for them at times but they don't expect special treatment. Neither of them would deny others the rights to see a film called "Adult human female" or expect to use a facility for the opposite sex.  That is not how they see "equality".

How you want to identify is up to you but it does not give you greater rights and, at times, it may not give you what you believe to be "equal rights". You already have those because you are "human".


1 comment:

Hilde said...

Thank you so very much. You wrote exactly what I thought but could not quite put into words. There is biology, and there is psychology, and you cannot change biology. Of course everybody can dress how he/she likes, even though it is easier for a female to dress like a male than the other way round. And all professions are open for both sexes, as well as all hobbies. But it stops when it is about safe spaces, as well as sports competitions.
As a teenager, I sometimes thought it would be easier to be a boy, especially when my mother said something about what girls don´t do, or what they have to do, just because they are girls. Maybe now, with all that talk about gender fluidity, I would have got the idea to transition. I am very thankful that at that time, most people didn´t even know that something like this didt even exist.
Hilde in Germany