Sunday 12 February 2023

"Gay pride" marches should cease

and rainbow flags should not be flown from official buildings.

I am sorry. I know this will upset some people but I firmly believe that sexuality should be a private affair. It is not something to flaunt and turn into some sort of circus event.

Gay pride marches had a point when they were a protest against the horrific idea that loving someone of the same sex was a criminal act. Thankfully, very thankfully, we have gone beyond that idea. In this country the plebiscite on "same sex marriage" passed quite easily.  We didn't need the plebiscite. It should just have happened.

There is no longer any need for such protest marches. Not everyone agrees with the idea of same sex relationships but legislation is there to try and stop discrimination. It is no different from race, equal opportunity and disability discrimination legislation. We do not have "race pride" marches, "equal opportunity" marches or "disability discrimination" marches.  So why should there be "gay pride" marches?  

Especially with respect to race and disability there are people who live with discrimination every day. With respect to race their "difference" is visible. For many people with a disability the difference can also be visible. There are no marches for them. They face rejection and rudeness and they are expected to take it without complaint. There is nobody clapping and cheering for them on the sidelines of a march celebrating their differences.

There are many, many people who will participate in the "gay pride" march in which our Prime Minister is planning to march. Many of the participants will go out and about every day without anyone even being aware of their sexual preferences. So, why the fuss? 

And why is the Prime Minister actually going to march in the event? If the event must be held and he wishes to attend then surely it is more appropriate to appear as a spectator? The Prime Minister is not gay.  

Not one of the gay couples I know has ever even watched a "gay pride" march. One couple always tries to find a theatre event to attend when these are being held. As R... put it to me, "We don't need that sort of thing."

No, we don't. The money being spent would be better spent on other things.  

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