Tuesday 1 December 2009

A little searching

on the internet can turn into a marathon jog. This is dangerous. I try not to do too much of it. Normally it is not a problem. I have a fairly limited download allowance on my connection plan. My 'month' runs from the 11th to the 10th of the next month. By watching it I remain within the limits set. This month however I needed more - blame a politician who wanted me to comment on a matter that has taken up over 100MBs. I logged on to the website and the nice computer at the other end provided me with a couple of GBs more at a small cost.
Now that I have them I am, naturally, determined to use most of them. There are places to go and things to explore. There is this,
No, I do not actually read Gaelic. I can struggle through and translate a short sentence into English with the aid of a dictionary. Most intelligent people could do the same thing. Nevertheless it is the language of my ancestors and there are some utterly marvellous proverbs poetry and tales to be found. I could also go hunting for something that has been eluding me in Latin and download a Hausa dictionary and some Swahili folk tales for my friend Claire to use with the children she works with. There is even some knitting from the 19th C that is set out in a completely different way. It assumes people are intelligent enough and knowledgeable enough to make some decisions for themselves about bonnets and bustiers and other strange items. Strange indeed because knitting patterns now tend to be prescriptive. It is why I never follow them. I was never any good at being told what to do.
I have not yet dared to head towards the Children's collection of the same archive. There is bound to be far too much reading material there. I should be working. I can also skip over to some book review sites I do not normally have the download for and some blogs I need to catch up on. There is the rest of the Giddy Limit cartoon strip - set in Orkney.
The sheep related cartoons are something anyone ever associated with sheep can appreciate.
I have to stop this searching. There is work to do. I need to go to the Post Office. The Christmas queues there are getting irritatingly longer. I need to write real letters, make more shortbread and a Christmas cake so as to have something to offer visitors.
The trouble is that there is just one more site and that will lead to another...and another. Searching is dangerous. I must limit my download. It weighs too heavily on my time.


Rachel Fenton said...

This blogging certainly eats up the time!

But seriously, there is a frightening amount of stuff out there - on the internet - if you know where to look, or even if you don't mind getting lost just wandering around in cyber space.

I was thinking about this today. How I wouldn't dream of doing certain things if I didn't fully understand them, and yet the internet (which I'll never understand) just beckons me in....

Holly said...

and you can always spend time on the Gutenberg project site.

catdownunder said...

We will NOT go there thankyou very much Holly...did you forget that I am working on the sequel and it is supposed to be finished by Dec24?
I am waiting for my father to really wake up to search possibilities - and then I will get nothing done!