Wednesday 14 March 2018

I am fed up with robocalls

and people who don't answer emails and.... yes I am feeling a little scratchy this morning.
There were more robocalls yesterday. A friend who lives on the other side of the city in a "very safe" electorate hasn't had a single call. She hasn't even had election literature stuffed in her letter box. Yes, her electorate is considered to be that safe. Mind you, apparently the corflutes from an opposing party have been removed from all the stobie poles out there. (Stobie poles are the steel and concrete poles that carry power overhead in this state.)
But we had two more robocalls. The last official "surveys" were published yesterday so these "surveys" are of course not surveys at all.  
As these were automated I just hung up but it irritates me to have to answer the phone and discover that someone thought it would be a good idea to interrupt me when I am getting the Senior Cat his dinner or I am in the middle of writing a response to an email.
Oh yes, that email. I asked a question. It was a simple enough question. It amounted to "what do you want me to do?" 
The answer I got was not an answer at all.
Now how am I supposed to do my job if I don't get an answer? Is it any wonder I am feeling scratchy? I would actually like to be able to help but there is no point in providing information unless it can be - and is going to be - used.
Thankfully the library reopened yesterday and I was able to collect a large pile of books I needed to do another two jobs. The library staff, who know me well, had actually offered to get them to me earlier but I thought they had enough to do. The library will be at sixes and sevens until the building work is completed - and that is months away. The attitude of the library staff though is in complete contrast with the attitude of the people who sent me the email. I need to make cake for the library staff!
But last night there was another phone call. The person on the other end is one of the local candidates in this election. I was introduced to her in the local shopping centre a couple of weeks ago. She had asked me about something not election related and I had told her it might take me a week or so to get an answer for her. Last Friday I sent her an email with the information. And yes, last night she phoned me and thanked me for taking the trouble and apologising for not getting back straight away. 
Oh  yes I know she is also looking for votes - but she could simply have sent a return email saying "Thanks for the information." 
But that personal call was so much nicer than robocalls or emails that don't answer the question.  We need real human contact.


Anonymous said...

I think I remember a man on the back of a truck speaking to (and being heckled by) people on street corners. Direct to the electorate...

When I was first entitled to vote, I went to a public meeting where all the candidates spoke (and got some heckling, too).

Both those a long time ago...

The automatic messages via phone or email are SO impersonal - they may "tick boxes" of numbers of people contacted, but they will irritate a fair number of them, perhaps to the point of NOT voting as the sender wishes.


catdownunder said...

I suppose they have done the research but I can only agree with you.

Holly said...

and people wonder why I am resistant at giving out my cell phone number to anyone who doesn't need it. The house phone goes straight to an answering machine. Every once in a while, I erase all the messages without bothering to listen to them. Someone wants me? They either have my phone number or can send an email.

Deleting SPAM is easy. Robocalls? To me they = harassment.

And here we have robotexts as well as calls....