Thursday 29 November 2018

The media has much to answer for

and it needs to be reminded of the role it should be playing.
I am tired of the constant attempts to undermine people simply trying to do their jobs.
 I am tired of the lack of care taken so that listeners and readers are misinformed by reporters and journalists who are too lazy to check their "facts".
I am tired of those who "leak" information and disinformation not because it is in the public interest but out of a desire to harm and destabilise.
I am tired of the deliberate misreporting and bias of columnists who are trying to influence public opinion without the need to take responsibility for their actions.
I am tired of the "activists" who have the ear of the media and use it to push their own agenda regardless of the consequences.
I am tired of the trolls on social media who have nothing better to do than ridicule those who disagree with them.
And I am tired of seeing good, decent, hardworking people being cut down simply because it is seen as fashionable or fun to do so.

I wonder if it has occurred to anyone that we are not doing ourselves any favours here? The people who might be the best for the job - whatever that job may be - are simply not taking the job on because they know they won't get the support they need? Has it occurred to anyone that those who are trying to do the job are finding it even more difficult because they are constantly being undermined? 
And has it occurred to anyone how much harm this is doing all of us?
What brought this on? Someone I know and like is taking extended leave from work. He's not well. Trying to deal with the harm done by such people has had that effect on him.


Jodiebodie said...

And if it weren't for the power of the media, the coverups of bureacratic incompetence, negligence, stonewalling, bullying and other dishonest practices would not have been exposed. When public servants are involved, it is in the public interest.

Anonymous said...

I have no objection to the media using power wisely. What worries me and worries Cat is the media abusing the power they have in an effort to push their own agenda. It worries me when they deliberately undermine and harass simply because their own views differ from that of those they are writing about rather than for justifiable reasons.
As a public servant and legal officer it is my job to advise, to warn, and to carry out the policy of the government of the day whether I personally believe in it or not. It is not my role to publicly criticise or condemn. If the law is being broken then I have an obligation to report it and see it is dealt with but it is not my role to allow the media to sensationalise or misreport it for their own ends. And it is not the media's role to sensationalise or misreport it either.

Jodiebodie said...

I agree that media should be impartial and not be sensationalising or misreporting issues. I also agree that it is the public servant's row to carry out their duties according to the relevant legislation. Public servants who are uncooperative or obstructive in carrying out their duties to further other agendas are just as menacing as unprofessional, biased journalism.

Jodiebodie said...

Typo: 'row' should be 'role' sorry!