Wednesday 7 November 2018

Workmen who do not arrive

when they say will arrive are not merely a nuisance but can cause serious security risks.
We were expecting someone to come yesterday. Middle Cat has been ill and I had to get the Senior Cat to an appointment by taxi.
That is a major undertaking these days. 
It also meant that I had to clear the carport of assorted detritus and get a neighbour to park the Senior Cat's gopher/scooter - which he can no longer safely use - on the lawn.  The neighbours were also going to keep a watch out for the workmen.
I took the Senior Cat off to his appointment - new building and not very accessible as we had to negotiate two steps. 
    "I hope they've arrived," the Senior Cat said as we were coming back.
Nothing, nobody, no and no and no. We waited...and waited some more. Nobody was answering their phone. I left a message and email. Still nothing.
We had to leave the little vehicle on the front lawn last night. It's a quiet enough neighbourhood and you need a key to start it of course but....
I did not sleep well. I don't sleep particularly well anyway these days. I always have "one ear open" in case the Senior Cat needs me. Last night I had both ears wide open. 
Will they turn up today? If they don't the neighbour will return the  little vehicle to the charge point (it's electric) and the workmen can simply shift it themselves. As it is the man who mows the lawn will need to shift it if they don't come and get the things they need to get through into place before he arrives. 
And no, I can't shift it because if I damaged it the insurance on it would be void because I am not supposed to drive it. I think I could shift it that far but I am not going to take the risk. 
But the worst thing is seeing the frustration on the Senior Cat's face. He wants to do these things himself - and he can't.

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